You would be amazed how many children choose to revisit Education City activities and tests to improve their scores once they have been introduced to Success Tracker!
- Are you getting full value for money from Education City?
- Are your teachers using features which could help to inform their planning?
- Are your pupils being credited with Ed City work done at home or outside the normal school day?
Many Worcestershire schools are not yet making use of the facility in Education City to track children's progress through the Success Tracker. Find out some of the features by playing the video below.
All you need to do is to send pupil data to Education City. Once they have set it up for you the system will record every attempt pupils make at any given activity. Teachers can get an overview of their performance in each activity or test and use the data diagnostically to check misunderstandings.
If your school needs help to get started, get in touch and arrange a training session by phoning Amanda Hawkins on 01527 570566 or e-mailing
There are a series of four free Education City Roadshows taking place in schools around Worcestershire during the spring term. All schools have been notified of dates and venues in the last two Hands on Support newsletters. Book by e-mailing or call 01527 570566