Visualiser Pilots

In conjunction with Avermedia and Elmo, we have been piloting the use of visualisers in the classroom.  This page will provide examples of some of the interesting practice that developed in participating schools.

Literacy, science, generic use

  • Modelled handwriting and letter formation
  • Sharing texts, including song words 
  • Showed/shared writing, with a view to improving it 
  • Observed giant African land snails 
  • Observed different types of rocks and soils 
  • Observed magnetic field patterns of different magnets 
  • Using the zoom to focus in on parts of flowers 
  • Creating animations using the still functions
Top Tips:  Have a proper play with it before using it with the children so confident with controls, remote, functions and options, including the software.
Let the children experiment with it so they can also use it, even if just being able to change between camera and computer.
Impact? Children were very enthusiastic about the learning as could see it so much easier on the whiteboard, rather than all trying to see one in whole class work, asked lots of questions as could see things clearer.
Less photocopying and quicker to put something under the visualiser than to go and photocopy something
Visual learners appreciated being able to see what to do.

Design Technology
During our work in DT, the visualiser was used to demonstrate sewing techniques. It was also used to share good examples of pupil’s stitches as they worked.
Impact?  It had immediate impact as the large screen was very useful to show the processes clearly. Some children who needed help with orientation also benefitted from the demonstration as it gave them a clearer idea of how to proceed.
Top Tips: Work together with the children and engage them in their learning by sharing with them how to use the visualiser.

Science – Materials ( rocks and soils)
Looked closely at rocks and soils brought in to school by the children. Identified features and labelled them on the IWB screen
Impact?  The children were really engaged as they could see the examples really closely.
Top Tips: Use it as the topic unfolds... not just at the conclusion

CLL and Arts week
Communication, language and literacy
Objective- retell a story in the correct sequence
Our text of the week was Handa’s Surprise we placed the book under the visualiser and this allowed the children to take part in a group reading task as the text was visible to all. We used the visualisers capture tool to take an image of each picture and then asked the children to sequence the pictures and retell the story in their own words. With the text placed under the visualiser we were also able to cover up certain details for the children to recall from memory.
Whole school Arts Week
We were creating collages of the inside of fruits. The visualiser’s ability to zoom in allowed us to observe the fruits in great detail; this led to a discussion about the colours that could be seen and the shapes and sizes of the seeds. We were capturing an image of the inside of the fruit and label the different parts.
The visualiser’s software allows you to capture and display many images at the same time. This allowed us to compare various fruits whilst they were displayed at the same time.
The images remained on the whiteboard whilst the children conducted observational drawings and completed their collages.
We were then able to place the collages under the visualiser next to the image of the fruit they’d collaged and assess each others achievements.
Impact?  The greatest impact the visualiser has had on me is that it reduces the amount of resources I have to prepare and collect saving myself precious time and money!!! For example I only needed one piece of each fruit rather than a set for each table.
The fact that any book can be used as a big book allows be greater flexibility in the texts I can use with my class.
Displaying the children’s work under the visualiser gave them a great deal of satisfaction and was also a valuable self assessment tool.
Top Tips: For the greatest impact you will need to make sure you have a good quality projector as the images captured by the visualiser can only be displayed in the quality your projector allows for. Unfortunately at the time of the trial my projector was not at its best, this does however mean that my already positive opinion of the visualiser can only get better!