Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Engaging pupils with technology

Have a look at this Prezi presentation. It combines video, text slides and graphics in a different way from PowerPoint. You can zoom in and out as required, step forward and back with the arrow keys, etc, etc. It uses all the knowledge and understanding that children develop when using PowerPoint. Why not give them a different environment to work in?
It is free... on-line... and yet completed Prezi presentations can be downloaded and viewed on any computer.
The presentation itself is a remix of some things you may already have seen... and others you might not have done! Think about your school in relation to some of the challenges here

Monday, 15 February 2010

Find Smart Notebook files easily on-line

Why reinvent the wheel! There are so many Smart Notebook users out there it is a fair bet that someone has had a good idea realted to some areas of learning that you are covering. Smart is improving it's support to teachers who are looking for resources... click below to try for yourself.

SMART Exchange beta - England

Friday, 12 February 2010

The safe use of new technologies

This report is based on evidence from a small-scale survey carried out between April and July 2009 in 35 maintained schools in England. It evaluates the extent to which the schools taught pupils to adopt safe and responsible practices in using new technologies, and how they achieved this. It also assesses the extent and quality of the training the schools provided for their staff. It responds to the report of the Byron Review, Safer children in a digital world.
Download the report here

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

CEOP and Microsoft working together

Microsoft have worked with CEOP to create a version of Internet Explorer 8 with the CEOP tools built in. You can access these from http://www.ceop.gov.uk/ie8/. If you already have IE8 you can just download a plug in to achieve the same result.