Thursday, 25 November 2010

Another useful e-safety resource re mobile phones

One in five children aged 8 to 16 has had their mobile phone stolen, often by another child or group of children [Office for National Statistics]!

With Christmas just around the corner, many of your pupils will have the latest mobile phone handset at the top of their wish list; download your FREE teaching resources now from Out of Your Hands to ensure they stay street smart and safe from involvement in mobile phone crime.

Activities and Resources: 7-11 year olds - Explore the impact of mobile phone theft; the art of communication and find out about information exchange, with resources for English, ICT and PSHE.

Download the FREE parent and student leaflet: Watch it! Safety Tips for 7-11years:

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Great new financial education resource from the Nationwide Building Society

Nationwide Education is part of Nationwide's commitment to the community. It is primarily a web-based programme designed for use online with computers and interactive whiteboards in schools. It's designed to be stimulating and engaging whilst providing information and hints and tips. Children will enjoy using the interactive games and can use the downloadable fact sheets and work sheets to further their understanding about personal finance and how important it is in their daily lives.
Its Financial Capability programmes for the primary age range include:
The resources can be accessed from the bottom of the page this link takes you to.
Each of Nationwide Education's Financial Capability programmes links directly to guidance on the teaching of personal finance - provided by the then Department for Children, Schools and Families (now the Department for Education DfE); the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and Basic Skills Agency (BSA) - for all ages, as well as the curricula for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Nationwide Building Society employees also visit schools and colleges to deliver lessons and talks on the three core themes of the Nationwide Education web site: Financial Capability, Sustainable Living and Safety.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Save £100 on a new StoryPhone system - existing users

If you are looking to add to your StoryPhone sytems we have just learned of a fantastic offer which is exclusive to existing StoryPhones users.

You can now save £100 on every system that you buy before the end of November 2010

4-way StoryPhones System: Offer price £395 + VAT + P&P

6-way StoryPhones System: Offer price £495 + VAT + P&P

StoryPhones was created by a teacher to give children an easy and versatile way to listen to stories and songs and at the same time develop vital skills for learning.
For current customers only, they have dropped the price of both 4-way and 6-way StoryPhones systems by £100 until the end of November letting you add to your StoryPhones system for less than £400.

Not only that, if you would like to let even more of your children listen with StoryPhones, for orders of two or more systems, they will give you £25 of content credit free, allowing you to add to your MP3 collection from the download store.

This offer is only available to current customers until 30th November 2010. Contact Joanne or Ashleigh at StoryPhones on 0845 652 0906 who will be pleased to discuss your needs.